Concord Presbytery Records, 1836-1846, v.4
Meeting:Davidson College, March 21, 1838, p. 57-58
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[p. 57, Davidson College 21 March 1838]
The Committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Treasurer of Davidson College reported and their report was accepted and id as follows, viz. The Subscribers having been appointed a committee for that purpose Report to the Presbytery of Concord the following facts in reference to Davidson College. The whole amount of money received by the Treasurer since the last settlement ordered by the Presbytery
Amount paid out during the same period 9534. 95 1/4
Balance in the hands of the Treasurer at this time $166.64 1/4
Amount received and expended by Wm Lee Davidson as
Treasurer previous to last settlement $ 700.97
Amt. Recd & expended by Revd John Williamson $4,679.90
as treas. pro tem 5, 380.87
[p. 58]
Making the whole amount of rects up to this date $15082.47 ct
We further report that Mr. John Blair of Yorkville S. C. has assured us of his determination to transfer to the trustees as soon as practicable ten shares of the Capital Stock of the Bank of the State of North Carolina, to endow a Scholarship in this institution.
Also that Dr. A. F. Alexander of Alabama has authorized the payment of about eleven hundred dollars in behalf of his deceased Sister Mrs. Jane D. Lide, to the Trustees of our College, to carry into effect her benevolent intentions expressed previous to her death in reference to the education of young men for the Gospel Ministry.
The number of students now connected with the College is seventy three, their advancement in their Studies is in general very honourable to themselves. A Spirit of order and subordination pervades the institution.
A proper regard for the worship of God is strictly demanded, and apparently yielded with order and cheerfulness.
The manual labor department is in a flourishing condition and as general satisfaction given by the Boarding house as could reasonably be expected.
Amid the evidenced of prosperity which have thus far marked this noble institution it becomes us to cherish gratitude to God for his blessings, and to continue, and increase our efforts that this institution may accomplish the great purposes for which it has been founded.
Respectfully signed R. H. Morrison, P J. Sparrow, Com,
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