Presbytery Minutes – January 1838

Concord Presbytery Records, 1836-1846, v.4
Meeting:Davidson College, January 3, 1838, p. 53-54

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[p. 53, Davidson College January 3, 1838]

On motion resolved that the salary of the Revd. P. J. Sparrow be raised to the sum of twelve hundred dollars per annum.
On motion resolved that the Revd John Robinson D. D. and the Revd R. H. Morrison be appointed a committee to draw up a series of resolutions expressive of the feelings of the Presbytery with reference to the Mr. Sparrow situation.
The Committee reported the following and their report was accepted and adopted vis:
Whereas the Revd. P. J. Sparrow who now occupies an important Professorship in Davidson College by the appointment of this Presbytery has been called to a Pastoral Care of the 6th Church in the City of Philadelphia, and has asked the advice of this Presbytery in reference to the course he should pursue; — on mature deliberation Pres. adopted the following resolutions
1st Resolved that the confidence hitherto expressed and still felt by this Presbytery in the qualifications of the Revd. P. J. Sparrow to fulfill with usefulness the duties of his office should afford to him a very strong encouragement to continue in it.
2nd Resolved that the importance of educating young men for the Gospel ministry at the present time is so great, that stations of usefulness exerting a direct agency in this work ought to be regarded at least, as among the most important in our Country.

[p. 54 ]
3 Resolved that while Presbytery thus cheerfully express their sense of the importance of the office now occupied by the Revd. P. J. Sparrow and their anxiety that he should continue to hold it; they must refer the decision to himself and the guiding influences of the Spirit of God!
The Revd P. J. Sparrow was then called on to give an answer to the Call placed in his hands and he declined accepting said Call. Presbytery united in returning thanks to Almighty God for the issue of this matter.
On motion resolved that the Revd John Williamson & Revd. Walter S. Pharr & Wm Lee Davidson, Esq be a committee to enquire whether the present rates of Boarding in Davidson College will meet the expenses of the Boarding establishment; and report to the Trustees at their meeting on the last day of Febry next.

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