Concord Presbytery Records, 1836-1846, v.4
Meeting: Mocksville, October 12-15, 1838, p. 73-83
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[p 73, Mocksville 12 October 1838]
Committee appointed to nominate trustees for Davidson College reported and their report was accepted and adopted and is as follows viz; Wm Lee Davidson, Charles W. Harris, A. Y. Lockridge, Adolphus Erwin, Wm Wood Esq., Revd John Williamson, R. H. Morrison, D. D. & Dr. Joseph W. Ross to serve for three years.
[p 75, 15 October 1838]
The Revd. Robt. H. Morrison D. D. and P. J. Sparrow were appointed a committee to invite the Presbyteries of Bethel and Morganton to meet this Presbytery on the 2n Friday in March next with a view to a conference in relation to the government of Davidson College.
[p. 82]
The Revd Drs. Robinson & Morrison and the Revd. P. J. Sparrow with Wm Lee Davidson and Wm King Esqs. were appointed a committee to draft and print forthwith a circular letter to be addressed to the Pastors and Ministers of all the congregations engaged in aiding and building up Davidson College; Stating the prospects and wants of the Institution; and soliciting immediate collection of all dues and arrearages on their several Subscriptions.
1. Resolved that it be enjoined on the ministers to read publickly said letter to their respective charges as soon after the adjournment of Synod as may be practicable, and that they make report to the President or Professor of the College, of their success on or before the 15th day of Dec. next.
2. Resolved that this Presbytery now inform the Presbytery of Bethel that it is very desirable that a third Professor should be appointed with as little delay as possible, and that we regard it as their privilege to nominate said Professor; with a view that so soon as the prospects of the institution will justify
[p. 83]
the measure he may be appointed & inducted into office.
3. Resolved That it be recommended to the Trustees to hold a meeting as soon as practicable after the 15th of Dec. and at that time take into consideration the State and prospects of the Institution as exhibited in the reports of the ministers of the several congregations; and that the Trustees be empowered by Presbytery should they deem the measure necessary or expedient, to appoint a special agent for the purpose of soliciting additional funds with such instructions as the Board in their wisdom may think proper to furnish.
4. Resolved That the funds collected by said agent be considered as having special reference to the support or endowment of the Professorship about to be filled by the nomination of the Bethel Presbytery.
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