Presbytery Minutes-March 1836

Concord Presbytery Records, 1832-1836, v.3
Meeting: Third Creek Presbyterian Church, March 8-10, 1836 p. 120-127

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[p. 120 Third Creek Presbyterian Church 8 March 1836]
Resolved that it be the order of the day for tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock to elect a Treasurer of Davidson College and also to elect a Trustee to fill the vacancy in the Board occasioned by the death of Joseph Young Esq.
[p. 121 9 March 1836]

Presbytery proceeded to the order of the day viz. the election of a Treasurer and Trustee of Davidson College and William L. Davidson was unanimously elected treasurer and William Wood Esq. was elected a trustee to fill the vacancy in the board occasioned by the death of Joseph Young Esq.
The Reverend John Williamson was appointed Treasurer pro-tem and directed to receive from the collectors the monies now on hand for the Institution

[p. 123 10 March 1836]

The Professors elected at our last stated session were inquired at whether the [y] were prepared to accept. and the Reverend Williamson desired a few weeks time to consider the matter which was granted. The Reverend Patrick J. Sparrow accepted the appointment of Professor of Languages in Davidson College

[p. 124]

Ordered that Church Sessions be requested to attend immediately to the collection of the monies subscribed in their bounds to Davidson College and forward the same to the Treasurer

[ p. 125 ]
Resolved that the title to the lands of Davidson College be drawn to the trustees of the college and their successors in office
Resolved that the Reverend P.J. Sparrow who has accepted the professorship to which he has been elected, commence his services for Davidson College on the 1st day of April 1836 and that his salary commence from that time
Resolved further that Mr. Sparrow be authorized to visit whatever Manual Labor Institutions in the North he may deem important, and that he act as agent in soliciting funds wherever it may be found expedient
Resolved that the treasurer of Davidson College be and he hereby is directed to pay the Reverend P.J. Sparrow as agent on the first day of April 1836 two hundred and fifty dollars

[ p. 127]

Resolved that Presbytery meet at the site of Davidson College on the 1st Thursday in April next to elect a Steward for the college, to hear the answer of the Reverend S Williamson as to his acceptance of the Professorship in the college to which he has been elected, and to attend with due solemnity to the laying of the corner stone of the Chapel. The Revd R.H. Morrison was appointed to deliver an address at the laying of the corner stone and the Revd Dr. Robinson to offer a dedicatory prayer
The Reverend Messrs. John Williamson, Walter S Pharr and Mesrs. David A Caldwell & J. Davidson Esqrs were appointed a committee to make arrangements for the ceremony
Adjourned to next at the site of Davidson College on the 1st Thursday in April next at 11 oclock
Concluded with prayers

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