Concord Presbytery Records, 1832-1836, v.3
Meeting: Site of Davidson College, April 7, 1836
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Concord Presbytery Records, 1832-1836, v.3
Meeting: Site of Davidson College, April 7, 1836, p. 129-131
[p. 129 Site of Davidson College 7th of April 1836 ]
The Presbytery of Concord met according to adjournment and was constituted with prayer
Ministers Elders
Reverend James McRee D.D.
“ John Robinson D.D. Levi Hope
“ John Williamson Wm A Sample
“ Walter S. Pharr James Caldwell
“ John M Erwin Francis Beattie
“ Robt H Morrison Amos Alexander
“ Stephen Frontis James A Hill
“ Samuel Williamson Wm Ross
“ William A Hall Samuel Frost
“ Abner I. Leavenworth
“ Andrew Y Lockridge Robt Johnston
“ James R Morrison Cyrus Flemming
David A Caldwell
Reverend Henry N Pharr
“ Daniel A Penick
“ Samuel L Watson
“ Patrick J. Sparrow
“ John MM Caldwell
“ Daniel Lindley
“ Thomas P. Johnston
“ Alexander E Wilson
The Reverend Samuel Paisley of the Presbytery of
[p. 130 ]
Orange being present was invited to sit as a corresponding member
The corner stone of the college chapel having been laid previous to the meeting of Presbytery and a large concourse of people having assembled Presbytery proceeded to the Solemn service of dedicating the institution to God. The services were commenced by Revd. Dr Robinson by singing an appropriate Psalm and an introductory prayer. The Revd Robt H Morrison then addressed the assembly in an appropriate and forcible discourse on the importance of Learning generally and specialty of a Learned Ministry to the happiness of a community and the security of a free and righteous Government
At the close of the address Revd Dr. Robinson offered the Dedicatory prayer and the exercises were concluded by singing an appropriate hymn selected by Rev Dr McRee
The Reverend Samuel Williamson Elected Professor of Mathematics Natural Philosophy & Chemistry in Davidson College declined accepting the appointment
Resolved that the Presbytery of Concord meet at Bethel Church on the 1st Wednesday in June, then and there to elect a Professor of Sciences for Davidson College and that the Presbyteries of Morgantown and Bethel be invited to meet and vote with us in the election.
Resolved that in as much as Presbytery do not feel prepared to proceed to the election of a Steward of the college at the present time that, that election be deferred to the 1st wednedsay of June at which time the members are desired to come prepared to elect a Steward for our College
[p. 131 ]
Resolved that the Reverend Messrs. S. Frontis and A.I. Leavenworth be directed to publish in the papers in Salisbury and Charlotte the time and place of our next meeting of Presbytery and request the Trustees of Davidson College to meet at the same time and place
Adjourned to meet at Bethel Church on the 1st Wednesday in june next
Concluded with prayer
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