Welcome back Class of 1953

Homecoming is just two weeks away and the classes of 1953 and 1958 are having special reunions.  This week Around the D will share some images and history for the 1953ers. Next week will be the Class of 1958’s turn.

Freshman beanie for class of 1953

Freshman beanie for class of 1953

Depending on who was counting, the class of 1953 entered Davidson either 244 (registrar’s numbers) or 260 (Davidsonian’s numbers) strong and making the total college enrollment in the fall of 1949 894 students.

Davidsonian headline welcoming the class of 1953, "Welcome Incoming Davidsonians"

Davidsonian headline welcoming the class of 1953

The Wildcat Handbook provided this advice:

Immediately upon arriving at Davidson, go to the YMCA office and there  you will meet the “Y” secretary, and his upperclassmen assistants. You will be given a name plate with both your name and the name of your home town on it. Wear this name plate; it is valuable for meeting both freshmen and upperclassmen. The “Y” secretary will also give you information about getting your room key. From the “Y” go to your room and get settled.

During their years at Davidson they saw a new baseball field, a new Davidson College Presbyterian Church, and a remodeled student union. They joined in roller skating with Queens students in Charlotte and being chastised by Dr. George Abernethy about extra-curricular activities.  They cheered on the football team to a victory over NC state (20-14) and commiserated over a 47-7 loss to Army.

Headline in the Davidsonian October 10, 1952, "Student Union Dedication To Highlight Homecoming"

The newly remodeled union came brought alumnus C. Shaw Smith back to campus as its director.

They had opportunities to hear Margaret Truman sing, Robert Frost, Dorothy Thompson and Margaret Bourke-White speak, and Charlie Spivak play.  They helped raise funds to replace homes lost in the fire in Brady’s Alley, hosted Turkey shoots, and welcomed the first College Chaplain, Alan Gripe.

 Program booklet for Beta Theta Pi's annual ball

Program booklet for Beta Theta Pi’s annual ball

Senior class 1953 in front of chambers

Senior class 1953


They greeted new faculty including Charles Ratliff (economics), Donald Plott (music) and William Workman (psychology) and two future DC presidents Sam Spencer as Dean of Students and D. Grier Martin as treasurer before the Davidson Olympics of 1953 pitted the seniors against faculty and staff.  As reported by the Davidsonian, the “stiff legged crew from the executive offices” won the tennis and golf contests while the students carried softball, volleyball (after Library director and history professor Chalmers Davidson blew the last two points, and finally the horseshoe match.”  Then it was time for caps and gowns and a procession to the new sanctuary of Slick John the Divine.

Commencement procession, 1953

Commencement procession, 1953

ROTC Commissioning at Commencement 1951

ROTC Commissioning at Commencement. In 1951, a Davidsonian headline noted that students were experiencing “Draft Jitters” as the Korean Conflict heated up.

Senior -Alumni Luncheon on front campus

Senior Alumni Luncheon on front campus. In 1953 seniors shared their weekend with reunion events

The class of 1953 has been well represented at their reunions:

photo in front of chambers of the 10th reunion 1963

10th reunion 1963

reunion photo of the class of 1953 holding a flag with the Davidson college seal and year

Undated reunion photo – anyone remember what year this is?

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