This Day in Davidson – February 29

1837-2012 ◊◊ Celebrating Davidson’s 175th anniversary

Happy Leap Year – Finding February 29th activities was tricky but faculty did have meetings and Davidsonians did publish on a few of the extra days.

Alcohol banned — even off campus!

1864- Faculty adopt resolution: That, in future, every student getting permission to go to Charlotte, or any other place away from College, on any pretext whatever, shall be required before such permission is granted to pledge his word of honor not to purchase or transport, or in any way use any kind of spirituous liquors during his absence from College.


A page in the year book showing the Phi Beta Kappa members 1940

In 2012, Davidson’s Phi Beta Kappa chapter will initiate 60 members, in 1940 only 7 were chosen.

1940 – Davidsonian Headlines:

Scholarship Group Bids Seven Men: Colvin, Hulen, Menius, Perdew, Pope, Sitterson and Tenney Are Chosen

Dean Mark E. Sentelle with his portrait.

Dean Mark E. Sentelle with his portrait. The painting was the class of 1940s senior gift

Senior Gift Is Subject of Smoker: Several Suggestions Discussed but No Decision Is Reached – the ideas included a sidewalk to the fraternity courts and a curb around the track in Richardson Stadium. The final choice is a portrait of Dean Mark Sentelle.

Senior classes still give gifts but Smokers have faded away.

Cabinet Holds Joint Session: Y Group Discusses Race Relations with Johnson C. Smith Delegation – these meeting had been going on for a few years.  The YMCA is no longer but a new group called Common Ground is keeping up the dialogue.


Leap year editorial from the davidsonian with a heading of, "Coeds Challenge Our Masculinity And Ruggedness"

Leap year editorial humor in 1952

1952 – Davidsonian Headlines:

3 Hats in Ring for Little’s Job – This Little doesn’t have anything to do with the library.  The job in question belongs to head football coach Crowell Little. None of the candidates listed in the article got the job – it went to William Dole who would hold the post until 1965.

Pygmalion Film at ULFS Opener – The United Literary Film Society started the spring season with Leslie Howard and Wendy Hiller version. Next up was the Mikado.  There have been several film societies and film series since.

Letter to Editor:  Simmons Advocates Excused Vesper Cuts for Off Campus Church Attendance

Editorial (in fun) – Coed Challenge Our Masculinity and Ruggedness


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