It’s Spring Break week here* and it seemed a good time for a bit of play on the blog. We’ve come across the first crossword puzzles printed in the Davidsonian and are going to share a few with you (and also the answers.)
*Really it’s next week but the blog was so eager to get out that it slipped past us and is out now.
The first crossword puzzle is attributed to Arthur Wynne and was published in a newspaper in 1913. By the 1920s, crossword puzzles had become very popular in the United States. The first crossword appeared in the January 15, 1925 issue. The editor declared that the “concocter of the puzzle felt as though he had been trampling a hundred miles in the Sahara desert with snowshoes on, when he finally put the last little criss-crosser in the proper place.
We have the first 4 puzzles – good luck – you’ll be learning some odd facts about Davidson in the 1920s. Feel free to let us know how you fared – we don’t have any grand prizes but if you’d like more puzzles, remember the Davidsonians are online.
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