Tuition was only $1,115 in the fall of 1954 when the original 252 members of the class of 1958 arrived on campus.
Wearing beanies was still the order of the day. Rule #3 of the freshman regulations stated “Freshman must wear, at all times, the caps prescribed for them by the Court of Control.”
In addition to the caps, the 11 regulations dictated that the class of 1958 know all college songs and yells within a week of school opening, attend all pep meetings and all major athletic events (showing up 15 minutes early and carrying the prescribed megaphones), and speak to all men they meet on campus and “tip their hats to members of the faculty.”
Classes began in mid-September and the first review period came one month later. No Fall Breaks then and Fall semester final exams happened in January.
First year students were expected to participate in ROTC and the class of 1958 came in under a new program of increased student leadership.
Despite the changes on campus, many dances and dinners were held off campus. Does anyone remember where the Red Fez Club was or dancing until midnight to Charlie Pruitt & Orchestra?
Performers and speakers on campus included Louis Armstrong, Dave Brubeck, Les Brown, Woody Herman, Basil Rathbone, Helen Douglas, Robert Merrill, Arthur Treacher, and Eleanor Roosevelt.
Before it was time to process into Love Auditorium for the last time, the class of 1958 lived through a flu epidemic, the retirement of college president John Cunningham, the departure of Dean of Students Sam Spencer, the loss of the town’s only movie theater, the arrival of the Hocsaks, a refugee family hosted by the college, the arrival of Caroline McBryer, the first woman faculty member, the addition of students from Queens to the cheerleading squad, and required parking permits.
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