Election Quiz and polls past

As we come to the end of another election season, it is time for a little fun history including a quiz and old headlines and poll results.

First the quiz.  Can you identify the election year and candidates referred to in the quotes below?  All the quotes come from editorials in the Davidsonian.

1. We view with disgust the “campaign” of ___ and its mud-splattered candidates. Never knowing what their hassle with semantics would produce, we have cringed each time _____ _____ and his supporters have begun to speak. Repulsive have been ____ _____ and his corny lines. We have watched, sadly amused, as the practical politician has practiced political opportunism. . . . We shuddered as the master politician avoided debate debate — even of specific issues– thereby tactitly allowing a degenerate campaign to sink even lower.

2 Seldom has there been a time when students are taking a more vital interest in national affairs. They realize that the burden of Government in the future will fall fully on them. They realize too that these problems will be immeasurably great. The unsolved problems of today and the problems of tomorrow will combine to stagger the statesman, economist and political idealist.

The time for great wise statesmanship finds us seriously lacking. The coming election serves only to accentuate this fact. We cannot choose except the lesser of two evils. One can promise to sink us deeper into the morass in which we find ourselves. The other holds no hope but for quasi-anarchy.

3. The prevailing feeling about the ___ Presidential campaign, especially in the media, seems to be one of dissatisfaction with both ____ ____ and ____ _____ as candidates, as well as one of revulsion at the negative tone of both campaigns. The same opinions have surfaced in past campaigns, however, especially in the cases of ___ and ___. Voters supposedly have not voted “for” a particular candidate, instead voting “against” the candidate giving the most negative impression. With this attitude in the electorate, it is no wonder that the main focus of the ___ race has centered around exposing the “negatives” of the opposition.

4. As this dullest of campaigns has unfolded, we have waited and watched, hoping the candidates’ stands on the issues which concern the country would enable us to arrive at a clear-cut, decisive choice for the presidency. This has not be the case. Sharply conflicting viewpoints on basic, fundamental questions have been scarce.

From 1 November 1928 Davidsonian with the heading, "Wins College Vote" with Herbert Hoover's picture

From 1 November 1928 Davidsonian

Answers below.

In 1928, the Davidsonian reported on Herbert Hoover as the students’ choice — but from a national poll.  Overall Hoover won, but in North Carolina, Alfred Smith was the favorite.  The article didn’t indicate Davidson’s particular choice or endorse a candidate.

From 4 November 1936 Davidsonian with the heading, "Roosevelt is Leader Over Landon in Poll"

From 4 November 1936 Davidsonian








In 1936, Roosevelt carried Davidson with a 3 to 1 margin. Duke was reported as the only North Carolina college supporting Alf Landon.

It was Ike in 1962 but based on the comments, some voters were being a bit playful with the poll.  Ben Craig says he voted for Ike because Dickie Davis voted for Adlai, while Dickie Davis claimed to have voted to Stevenson because Ben Craig voted for Eisenhower.

From 31 October 1951 Davidsonian with the heading, ""We Still Like Ike," Poll Finds Among Students, Faculty"

From 31 October 1951 Davidsonian

Rose Kennedy campaigned for her son in North Carolina but apparently Davidson students were not impressed.

Rose Kennedy in Charlotte during 1960 election

Rose Kennedy in Charlotte during 1960 election

Poll from 4 November 1960 Davidsonian with the heading, "Student Polls Give Edge to Nixon"

Poll from 4 November 1960 Davidsonian

In 1964, a straw poll of students, gave Goldwater a slight edge.

Davidsonian headline, "Massive Student Turnout Gives 28 - Vote Victory To Goldwater"

1964 poll shows Davidson student straw poll arranged by home states

1964 poll shows Davidson student straw poll arranged by home states

In 1968, Nixon had the lead.

from 1 November 1968 Davidsonian with the heading, "Student Buck Parents, But Nixon Still Wins Straw Vote"

from 1 November 1968 Davidsonian

Davidsonian article from 29 October 1976 with the heading, "Students favor Ford; faculty, Carter"

From 29 October 1976

In 1976, students “bucked” faculty in their president choice.



1. An Endorsement. Davidsonian 30 October 1964. – Goldwater, Johnson

2. Dewey vs Roosevelt. Davidsonian. 26 October 1944

3.  Just whose negative campaign is it anyway? David Host. 27 October 1988.  Bush, Dukakis

4. Stevenson for President. Davidsonian 2 November 1956 – Stevenson, Eisenhower

How did you do?

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