Davidson on the Cover

Davidson College has often appeared on the cover of publications, particularly local or state magazines. This week, let’s take a look at the covers that made it into our collections:

Students gathered around Chambers Building graced the cover of the July 1977 North Mecklenburg telephone directory.

Students gathered around Chambers Building graced the cover of the July 1977 North Mecklenburg telephone directory.

The Winter 1978 issue of Southeastern Librarian featured E.H. Little Library on the cover.

The Winter 1978 issue of Southeastern Librarian featured E.H. Little Library on its cover.

The October 1980 issue of Southern Living, the cover is an image of a sidewalk in Davidson will yellow and orange leaves scattered around the ground from the trees.

The October 1980 issue of Southern Living showed Davidson’s fall colors at their best.

March 1981 Choice shows a student walking in front of Eumenean Hall.

This March 1981 cover of Choice shows a student walking in front of Eumenean Hall.

We the People of North Carolina's September 1987 cover showed buildings from several academic institutions across the state, including Davidson's Chambers Building.

We the People of North Carolina‘s September 1987 cover showed buildings from several academic institutions across the state, including Davidson’s Chambers Building.

The State of North Carolina Higher Education Comprehensive Planning Program's 1993 Facilities Inventory and Utilization Study showed the brand new Visual Arts Center building.

The State of North Carolina Higher Education Comprehensive Planning Program’s 1993 Facilities Inventory and Utilization Study showed the brand new Visual Arts Center building.

Spring 2004 Collegiate Standard cover is a blast from the recent past, showing a group of Davidsonians who appeared on The Price is Right.

The Spring 2004 Collegiate Standard cover is a blast from the recent past, showing a group of Davidsonians who appeared on The Price is Right.

November 2008's Lake Norman Magazine featured Davidson's favorite basketball player, Steph Curry.

November 2008’s Lake Norman Magazine featured Davidson’s favorite basketball player, Steph Curry.

Southern Home magazine's May 2009 issue featured a cover story on the President's House: "Davidson's White House."

Southern Home Magazine‘s May 2009 issue featured a cover story on the President’s House: “Davidson’s White House.”

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