Happy 2010 – to start off this year, we’ll take a look at Davidson a century ago.
In 1910, Davidson College had 14 faculty including President Henry Louis Smith and 315 students, including 2 international students from Persia. Tuition was $89.00 per year but their were additional expenses. Population of the town of Davidson was under 1000.
Neither college nor town had a newspaper. The student literary magazine.The Davidson College Magazine, which had a tradition of including a column of local news had only 5 newsworthy items for the entire year. The subject matter reflects a primary interest of the student editors:
- Miss Mary Young spent some time with her grandmother in Charlotte, N.C.
- Miss Irving Harding, one of the most attractive and popular girls in town, has returned home after an extended visit to relatives in Virginia.
- Mrs Thompson, of Charlotte, NC, has been on a recent visit to her sister, Miss Hattie Thompson.
- Miss Grace Crawford visited her sister, Miss Minnie Crawford, and friends of the Presbyterian College, recently in Charlotte, N.C.
- Miss Minnie Scofield attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Clifford, of Union, S.C.
There were a few other newsworthy events including the completion of the new Carnegie Library building, the addition of the first courses in psychology and the establishment of a student government association and the tradition of student-run honor system Below are campus images, examples of student humor, and excerpts from college publications
In hopes of making 2010, interesting if not newsworthy, we’d love to get suggestions for topics for future Around the D entries. Do you have questions about Davidson’s history? Send them in.
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