Syllabus Submission Form
The VPAA/DoF and Admission Offices, and the College Archives continue to collaborate to make a single request to faculty for class syllabi. Syllabi are records of permanent historical and archival value to the College and as a result, the College Archives will maintain a copy.
Please complete the form below and submit your syllabus/i (one form per syllabi) to the VPAA/DoF Office. Please include your name, the name and number of the course, and the term in which the course is being taught as part of the file name. Please do not simply title the file “Syllabus” or “Spring 2018” or the document will not be processed.
Any of the following formats will work: doc, docx, txt, rtf, or pdf.
Uploading the files with a MAC and Safari appears to work with less trouble than uploading with Windows. If you have difficulty with the CAPTCHA designation and you are using Windows, please contact the ITS Help Desk for assistance.
The deadline for fall semester 2018 is 5:00 pm on August 24, 2018; the deadline for spring 2019 will be 5:00 pm on January 22, 2019.
Please contact Pat Gardner or College Archives if you have any questions.
Thank you very much and all the best this term!
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