Citing Archival Sources

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Files and Documents Accessed Online:

A number of records of the types described below are available in digital formats online. Citations for online materials are identical to those below with addition of this line at the end of the citation: “Available at:” where is the website URL from which you accessed the materials.

Archival Files:

Richards, J. McDowell. Letter to Walter Lingle. 3 June 1968. RG 2/1.14. President’s Office. D. Grier Martin. Davidson College Archives, Davidson, NC.

Faculty Committee on Alcohol. Memorandum. 1 December 1965. RG 3/1.2.055. Faculty Committee on Alcohol Records. Davidson College Archives, Davidson, NC.

Student Government Association. Senate Minutes. 13 February, 1969. RG 6/14.4. Student Government Association Records. Davidson College Archives, Davidson College, NC.

Manuscript Collections:

Hamilton, T.H. Letter to John W. Hamilton. 29 January 1839. DC0116s. Thomas Hamilton Letters. Davidson College Archives, Davidson College, NC.


Photograph of students in front of Rusk House. Photograph Collection, number 27-0031. Davidson College Archives, Davidson College, NC.

Photograph of Dean Rusk in Davidson College basketball uniform. Dean Rusk Papers. DC004-9. Davidson College Archives, Davidson College, NC.


Johnston, Frontis. Interview by John Scherer. 10 February 1989.”Vietnam War at Davidson College”. Audiotape Collection, number 59. Davidson College Archives, Davidson College, NC.

“Poll on Sororities.” Interviews by Matthew Hobbie. December 1997. Videotape Collection, number 154. Davidson College Archives, Davidson College, NC.

Davidsoniana Files:

Brunei, Cecil Flyer, Davidson College. 13 February, 1971. Alcohol Policy Davidsoniana file. Davidson College Archives, Davidson, NC.

Milton, Ernest. “Detail Story of Cat-Tar Hell Contest.” Newsclipping, c.1926. Athletics History – Football Davidsoniana file. Davidson College Archives, Davidson, NC.

Harrison, Mary Sparrow. “Football in the ‘90’s.” Unpublished Essay. Athletics – History – Football Davidsoniana file. Davidson College Archives, Davidson, NC.

College Publications:

Davidson College Catalog, 1984-1985. Davidson: Davidson College Office of Communications. [1984].

Davidson College. Quips and Cranks Vol. 1. Davidson: Davidson College, 1895.

“Coeducation for Davidson.” Davidson Monthly March 1980: 32-33.

McCandlish, Laura. “’Lights Out’ Committee Strives to Keep Lights on in Chambers.” The Davidsonian. 6 October 1998:1.

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