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Davidson College April 19th/58
Dear Pa,
Yours of the 5th inst. came to hand in due time- and I know take my pen in hand for the purpose of responding. I would have written you sooner, but owing to ill health, was compelled to defer it till now, and consequently, I will have to make it very brief. I was attached last week with a disease called “Rosaola” or some such appellation. My attack was not violent, but disabled me from attending to my studies for a few days. I recovered from the disease without the call of a physician by taking a dose of salts, and now my health is as good as it was before. This disease is prevailing as an epidemic very extensively among the students. A Great many have had it and several are at present sick with it. It is by no means a dangerous disease, in fact, many who had it were not confined to bed. I don’t think I ever heard of it spreading so quickly in any places as it has here.
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From what you say respecting your garden, I think you are far ahead of the citizens of Davidson. Although their gardens appear to be making some progress Yet they seem to be a little backward. Though it is some time to look forward, I am anticipating the pleasure of some luxurious feasting on watermelons and fruit when I get home, as I hope there is now no danger of the fruit being killed by frost.
The revival has in part, stopped – Mr Penick came back after presbytery, was over, and preached three or four days – A nightly prayermeeting was established among the students, during the revival, which is still kept up. I will be very much pleased to see a copy of the proceedings of your meeting in Columbia, if you can conveniently send it to me. Well, I must close for I have got to studying my lesson. You must excuse this hastily and miserably written letter. My love to you all.
W.W. Robinson
P.S. Joe Thompson is well- Hugh Reid has just taken the epidemic.
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From: DC0123s. Robinson, William Wallace, 1835-1901 (1860) Letters, 1857-1864 (View Finding Aid)
Cite as:
Robinson, W.W. Letter to Father. 19 April 1858. DC0123s. William Wallace Robinson Letters. Davidson College Archives, Davidson College, NC. Available:
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