Concord Presbytery Records, 1836-1846, v.4
Meeting: Charlotte, July 10, 1839, p. 113-114
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[p. 113 Charlotte 10 July 1839]
Called meeting
The Presbytery of Concord met at the call of the moderator by the following circular viz
Bethany Church June 24 1839
At the request of the Board of Trustees of Davidson College, I hereby call a Special meeting of the Prebytery of Concord to be held in Charlotte on the 2nd Wednesday of July at 11 oclock A. M.
The business to be transacted is the election of a Professor of Mathematics – in Davidson College together with anything else in connexion with said Institution which may claim the attention of Pres. . . .
On motion resolved resolved that the presbytery now proceed to vote by ballot for a Professor of Mathematicks and Natural Philosophy in Davidson College. The Revd. James D. Hall was appointed to receive and count the votes and report to Presbytery. Mr Hall appointed to count the votes reported that the Revd. Samuel Williamson had received Twenty one votes and the Revd D, McNeil Turner of Fayetteville had received seven.
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