Presbytery Minutes – December 1836

Concord Presbytery Records, 1836-1846, v.4
Meeting: Centre Church, December 21, 1836, p. 16-17

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[p 16. Davidson College 21 December 1836 ]

The Revd Robt. H. Morrison who had been elected to the Presidency of Davidson College being called upon to make know to Presbytery whether he would accept the appointment answered that he accepted the same.

The prices of tuition in Davidson College were fixed were fixed at the following rates
viz. for Language and Sciences $15 per Session
English Gram Geography $10 per Session
The price of Boarding in the College was fixed at $6 per month.
Resolved that persons who live in the vicinity

[p. 17] be permitted to send their sons and board them at home provided they conform to the rules and regulations of the college. The privileges of this resolution to be limited to one year.

Resolved that the 1st day of March be determined on for the commencement of Davidson College, the vacations to consist of two months August and Febry. Resolved that the Beneficiaries under the care of Presbytery be expected to prosecute their studies at Davidson College if they receive aid from the Education Office.

Resolved that Messrs Sparrow and R H. Morrison be a committee to have published all necessary information in reference to Davidson College.

Resolved that R. H. Burton, Esq. , Revd R. H. Morrison and P. J. Sparrow be a committee with power to grant leases to such persons as may wish to build near to Davidson College and on its Lands.

Resolved unanimously that a Tutor for Davidson College be appointed at this time and that the Salary of the Tutor be four hundred dollars in addition to his Board at the Stewards Table. Mr. Mortimer D. Johnston was then unanimously elected Tutor.

Resolved that the Building Committee be authorized to have any improvements made in the Professors houses or their Lots necessary to make their families comfortable.

Resolved that the tuition and Board be paid in advance for each session. Tuition money to be paid to the President and money for Board to the Steward.

Adjourned to meet at Thyatira church on the 2nd Wednesday in March 1837.

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