Presbytery Minutes – August 1835

Concord Presbytery Records, 1832-1836, v.3
Meeting: Called Meeting, Bethel Church, 25 August 1835, p. 92-97

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[p. 92 Called Meeting 25 Aug 1835]
By the call of the moderator the Revd. P. J. Sparrow the presbytery of Concord met at Bethel Church on the 25 Aug 1835 for the transaction of business connected with the proposed Manual Labor School of Concord Presbytery and to receive such members from other presbyteries as may regularly apply and was constituted with prayer.

The committee appointed at the last meeting of Presbytery to purchase Lands and appoint agents to collect funds for the Manual Labor School reported and their report was accepted and is as follows: viz. Agreeably to appointment the Committee met on the 13th of May 1835 at the House of Wm L. Davidson, Esq., in Mecklenburg County; Present Revd R. H. Morrison, W. S. Pharr & P. J. Sparrow with Messrs. Wm L. Davidson, Esq. & Col. Wm L. Allison

[ p. 93]
After examining the lands which appeared most favorable for the Institution location, and receiving and deliberating on the information they could collect relative to different situations, the committee resolved as instructed to select a Site for the School.
Convinced of their entire dependence on God for direction and feeling the responsibility of the decision to be made the committee engaged in prayer for wisdom from above– After supplication at the throne of grace and mature deliberation it was resolved to purchase two Tracts of Land the property of Wm L. Davidson Esq. in the North Western corner of Mecklenburg County, the one known by the name of the Jetton Tract containing 269 acres and the other joining the same known by the name of the Linn Tract containing 200 acres.
For the above named 469 acres of Land the committee contracted to pay Wm L. Davidson, Esq., the sum of fifteen hundred and twenty one dollars to be paid by the 1st of Janry 1836.
The committee received from Wm L. Davidson a bond in the personal? sum of four thousand dollars to convey to them or any other person or persons whom the Presbytery may appoint a right in fee simple to the above named tracts of Land; and also gave to him in behalf of the Presbytery an obligation for the payment of fifteen hundred and twenty one dollars on the condition of the title to the above named tracts of Land being secured as above stipulated.
The committee then proceeded to appoint agents to solicit funds and Revd Messrs R. H. Morrison & P. J. Sparrow were appointed. The counties of Mecklenburg, Cabarrus & Lincoln were assigned to R. H. Morrison & the counties of Rowan

[ p. 94]
Iredell and Burk to P. J. Sparrow to visit during the approaching Summer. It was then Resolved that the mode of collecting funds should be in five annual instalments, the first to be paid on the 1st of Janry 1836 and also to receive donations from all who may give them.
The following form of Subscription was adopted viz. “We,. the Subscribers obligate ourselves to pay R.H. Morrison or P. J. Sparrow agent for the Manual Labor School under the direction of the Concord Presbytery, the sums severally annexed to our name, annually for five years in succession, the 1st payment to be due on the 1st day of Janry 1836.
The following persons were appointed a committee to contract for whatever materials for Building it may be judged expedient to prepare during the present Season viz. Messrs. Wm L. Davidson, John Graham, Wm. S. Allison, Robt. Potts and Revd J. Williamson.
All of which is respectfully submitted
R. H. Morrison
W. S. Pharr
P. J. Sparrow
Wm L. Davidson
Wm. S. Allison , Committee
The Committee appointed to contract for Building materials reported and their report was accepted and is as follows viz The committee report that they have contracted for the making of a quantity of Brick not exceeding 250,000 to be made on the Plantation of Major John Caldwell and delivered to the kiln at four dollars per thousand

[ p. 95]
the Brick to be of the best quality and as many as possible to be ready on the 1st Nov 1835.
Signed, John Williamson, Wm. L. Davidson, Wm. S. Allison, Robt. Potts, John D. Graham, Committee

The agents appointed to obtain subscriptions and donations for the School reported as follows, viz.
Revd R. H. Morrison that he has obtained in subscription $18,000
Revd. PJ. Sparrow that he has obtained on subscription $12,392
in all $30, 392

Presbytery united in thanksgiving to Almighty God for the success which has thus far attended our efforts and in prayer for his blessing on our contemplated Institution. Presbytery judging that there is sufficient encouragement to warrant their engaging directly in the work, appointed a committee to prepare and present to Presbytery as soon as possible a draft or plan of Buildings such as will be suitable for the proposed Institution. The committee was composed of the committee on Building Materials with the addition of Col. John Davidson.
The Revd. Albertus Watts of the Presbytery of Orange being present was invited to sit as a corresponding member. The Revd. S. Williamson, R. H. Morrison and P. J. Sparrow were appointed a committee to present at our next Stated Sessions a draft of Laws or constitution for our proposed Institution.
Adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at 9 oclock.

[ p. 96]
On motion resolved that a committee be now appointed to select a site for the proposed Institution and to contract for, and superintend the Building of such houses as may be necessary for the same and that this committee consists of Gen. Ephraim Davidson, Wm L Davidson, Wm. S. Allison, Joseph Young, Col. John Davidson, John D. Graham, Robt. Potts , Revd John Williamson and Revd. W. S. Pharr
Joseph Young Esq. was appointed by Presbytery treasurer of the Institution.
The Committee appointed to draft a plan for the buildings of the Institution reported and their report was accepted and adopted, and the Building Committee were directed to have a part or the whole of the specified buildings completed as speedily as possible; or as in their discretion they may judge expedient with liberty to make such changes in placing the houses as they may deem proper.
A proposition being offered that the Institution be named. It was resolved that the Manual Labor Institution which we are about to build be called Davidson College as a tribute to the memory of that distinguished and excellent man Gen. Wm Davidson, who in the ardor of patriotism, fearlessly contending for the Liberty of his country fell (universally lamented) in the Battle at Cowan’s Ford.

[ p. 97]
The following preamble and resolutions were adopted viz Whereas the literary institution which the Presbytery of Concord has undertaken to build, is on of great importance to our section of Country; and one that we trust will be greatly beneficial to our Southern Churches generally, Resolved that the Presbytery do affectionately invite the cooperation and assistance of the Presbytery of Bethel, S.C. in our undertaking, and that a member of this Pres be appointed to visit the Bethel Presbytery at their next stated session and solicit their aid.
The Revd. S. Williamson was appointed to this duty.
Resolved that Presbytery at its next stated session elect one Professor for our Literary Institution
Ordered that the treasurer Mr Young pay to order of the Committee to contract for Building materials one hundred dollars as an advance towards the price of the Bricks.

Resolved that the subscribers to the Manual Labor School who may desire it shall be allowed to pay all their installments at the time the first payments becomes due and have the interest deducted on the installment not due for prompt advanced payment, And should the Building committee find it necessary they are authorized to borrow money on the credit of the subscriptions for this institution. Resolved that the agents be authorized to solicit books for the institution as they visit the churches
Adjourned to meet at Charlotte on the 9th of Oct 1835 at 7 o’clock P.M.
Concluded with Prayer
A.Y. Lockridge Clk

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