John A. Fleming (1859) 16 May 1856 Letter

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Davidson College
May 16th 1856

Dear Uncle,

I received your letter by to days mail, & was much delighted to hear from home again, & that you had returned safe though Dr. Lacy told you had traveled with him to Salisbury & got that far safe. I am glad to hear you like our President so well. Most all the students think a great deal of him & act well their part towards him. I believe you would like any of the rest of our faculty quite as well. except he is most an excelent preacher. Though Professor Rockwell is a good preacher, he was at the office when I finished reading your letter, I gave him your respects & requested him to visiting the mountains, though he thinks of going north this summer. He returns his respects to you with great compliments, he sends the same to Mr. Ramseur. We too have had rather a cold spring though there has been a fiew warm days, enough so to bring back the chils, both of my room mates have been sick a good deel with the chils; one has been so bad as to go home, there is very fiew of the other students had them yet.

The cenior examination will commence on next Thursday, we will give a party & have a speech on Tuesday before, that is the 20 ist.

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Our military company will appear in uniform that day. I wish you could see us march you would be delighted with the site. Our final examination,or commencement they always call it, will close on the 26th of June and commence in the fore part of the week. I expect you will be surprised to find I have spent a pretty smart of money, yet I have been by no means extravigant, but it takes a good deal of money to do at such a place, it will take $135.00 to pay my accounts,&c, & get home. & I really need more than that so that I can buy some summer & exemanation close, but I think I will try to do without that as I expect you think I have spent two much any how, but when you see my account you will not think so. There is a good many lived on less but many of the students have spent a good deal more, so Uncle Jim you must not open your eyes much at this, as I know you wer not looking for me to send for so much, I would like very much if you would come to the commencement here. I am satisfied you would be pleased. If you will not come then, I dont care how soon you send me the money, so that I can have every thing fixed ready to come home, soon as the examination is over. I would like to have more than the amount I have sent for, that I might have some cloths that I need, though I can do without it.

We enjoy ourselves fishing & in other sports.

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Strawberries are ripening here very fast, I suppose you will soon have your favorite luxury at home. Tell little brothers’ Grumble Wordville & Sammy Brother John is quite well give my love all little cousins, yourself & aunt & to our relations. I wrote to Grumble a week or 2 ago, tell him if he does not answer it soon it will be too late. Write soon no more at presant.

your affectionate


J. A. Flemming

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From: DC0114s Fleming, John Alexander, 1836-1864 (1859) Letters, 1856-1864 (Finding Aid)

Cite as:
Fleming, John Alexander. Letter to Uncle. 16 May 1856. Davidson College Archives, Davidson College, NC. Available:

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