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April 4th 1847 Sabbath, Spent the morning in read[illegible] the usual hour attended ch[illegible] preached an excellent [illegible] the following text; Boast not [illegible] self of tomorrow, for thou knowest [illegible] what a day may bring forth, and at candlelight he preached a sermon on Domes [illegible]ions.
April 5th 1847. Monday, Recited my lessons as usual, wrote a letter to I. R. Barnett, went to bed with sick headache,
April 6th 1847. Tuesday, Attended to my college duties, in the afternoon took a walk, prepared my lesson before dark, then commenced writing my representive speech
April 7th 1847 Wednesday, Rose early recited my lessons, and at candlelight took a walk with A. Enloe. Wrote until bed time.
April 8th 1847 Thursday, Part of the professors being absent I did not recite spent the morning in putting up some flower boxes, Wrote two letters and prepared for bed
April 9th 1847 Friday, The only lesson that we recited wa philosophy, spent the day Idly, after candlelight wrote until my usual hour for bed
April 10th 1847 Saturday, We had no recitation, on account of the absence of part of the faculty. Spent the forenoon in reading and writing, went to the office and waited for the mail, received two letters one from J. W. Avery, and the other from W. R. Withers. Attended prayermeeting,
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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April 11th 1847 Sabbath, Commenced reading the history of the presbyterian church in the united states, sermon in the morning by Rev. Sheril, at night by pre[illegible]
April 12th 1847 Monday, Attended to my regular duties of college and though very sick, wrote letter to W. R. Withers
April 13th 1847 Tuesday, Rose very unwell, but attended to my duties In the after noon took a short ride, and afterwards a walk with the president,
April 14th 1847 Wednesday, By the blessing of a kind providence I am again blessed with a good degree of health, I have attended to my duties, Wrote a letter to J. Dunlap,
April 15th 1847. Thursday, Rose, at an early hour, invigorated with a refreshing nights sleep. Attended prayers and recitations as usual, Wrote a letter home, read the lives of Monroe, Harrison Van Bu[illegible]
April 16th 1847. Friday, Passed through the regular exercises of the day, took some recreation in playing ball, then chose a question for society, commenced drawing off my summer speech.
April 17th 1847. Saturday, Rose in health. Attended, at the ringing of the bell, society, which met and was opened with prayer. And the regular duties of speaking, reading compositions, and Debating, was attended to. an election was then held for officers, I was elected president, Douglass vice president, Miller secretary, Shives reviewer, Thomas librarian. In the afternoon prepared my lesson. Then attended prayermeeting.
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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April 18th 1847, Sabbath, As there was to be preaching about three miles from this place, I went in company with several others to hear a young minister by the name of Pharr staid and heard two very edifying sermons, then returned very hungry & tired.
April 19th 1847, Monday. Recited my lessons, except latin on account of the absence of the professor, wrote a letter to my sister A. S. Blexier, and retired at half pas 10.
April 20th 1847 Tuesday, Attended prayers, then sat with W. B. McFade[illegible] from York D[illegible] until breakfast, recited my lessons, and after supper conversed with Enloe, then prepared my lesson for morning and retired,
April 21st 1847 Wednesday Another day has passed, and I am through mercy blessed with the comforts of life, & health, Attended to my regular duties.
April 22nd 1847 Thursday, Attended prayers and recitations, took a walk, and after supper conversed with Black, & Walker, prepared my lesson.
April 23rd 1847 Friday. Rose early and blesse with good health. Attended to my college duties, finished writing my representative speech, and my inaugural address to society.
April 24th 1847. Saturday Read a composition to professor Johnson at ten, Received a letter from from home, and another from E. T. Avery. Spent the evening in conversation and reading, attended prayermeeting, the retired.
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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April 25th 1847 Sabbath, Finished reading the 1st vol. of the history of the presbyterian church, attended bible recitations and two sermons by the President
April 26th 1847 Monday Recited my lessons, commenced reading the pictoral history of the American Revolution, also read some in the arabian nights.
April 27th 1847. Tuesday, Rose early and attended to my college duties, took a walk after supper with W. Lucky. Read until my usual hour for retiring.
April 28th 1847. Wednesday, Passed off the day with the usual duties, studied my lessons; and after supper took a walk with J. A. Davis, then read.
April 29th 1847 Thursday, By the blessing of Providence I am still blessed with a good degree of health, a blessing for which I feel thankful, Attended to my regular duties took a walk with J. W. Shive, Wrote a letter to E. T. Avery. Friday
April 30th 1847, Rose early and recited befor breakfast as usual, took my usual walks, and read.
May 1st 1847. Saturday. Rose early attended prayers, and after breakfast took a walk, and at the ringing of the bell attended society, it was opened with prayer, after which the president a very eloquent valedictory and then I was initiated president and delivered my inaugural address, after the regular duties of society were over, went to the office and received a letter from W. B. Russel, spent the afternoon reading, at night attended prayermeeting
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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May 2nd 1847. Sabbath, Read in the bible until breakfast, then commenced reading the 2nd vol of the history of presbyterian church in America, Attended sermon in the morning by professor Wilson and this being the first sabbath of the month, missionary sermon
May 3rd 1847 Monday, Attended to my regular college duties, took my walks alone which I generally prefer the students had a meeting to elect a band for next commencement which resulted in the election of the Ebenezer band, after which our class had a meeting to take into consideration a junior supper.
May 4th 1847 Tuesday This finished the exercises of another day, which whispers to me that I am approaching nearer, and nearer to my grave, I have attended to my regular duties, took my usual walks.
May 5th 1847 Wednesday, Recited before breakfast, and afterwards at the regular hours, neglected in yesterdays journal to record the letter I sent to my sister in Newbery After supper took a long walk with J. L. Miller
May 6th 1847 Thursday, After getting over my greek lesson I took a long walk as usual to a sequestered place and spent some time in memorizing my speech, Attended to my regular duties after supper wrote a letter to my friend W. B. Russel then read until bedtime.
May 7th 1847 Friday, Attended to my college duties after supper took a walk with J. A. Davis, then read.
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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May 8th 1847 Saturday.
Recited greek at 11, Went to the office and received a letter from Rev. P.E. Bishop, spent the evening in reading prepared my recitations and after supper attended our weekly [illegible]
May 9th 1847. Sabbath. Read with bible until breakfast, attended sermon at the usual hour by the president. No bible recitation nor sermon at night on account of rain.
May 10th 1847 Monday. Attended to my regular duties, after supper spent at hour with Mills, and W.C. Barr. then wrote a letter to my friend Rev. P.E. Bishop May 11th 1847 Tuesday. Rose early and [illegible] through the regular duties of the day, and after supper took a long walk with [illegible] & Johnson, then read.
May 12th 1847 Wednesday
Awoke with a very bad headache which continued all day, scarcely able to attend to my college duties, I have great reasons to be thankful for the good degree of health that I have been permitted to enjoy. Read in Browns philosoph of the mind and prepared for bed at an earlier hour than usual.
May 13th 1847 Thursday. Again blessed with the enjoyment of health I have attended to my regular college duties. After supper took a walk with W. Luckey.
May 14th 1847 Friday.
Time appears to pass by almost insensible. the duties of another day are finished and I am still blessed with health of body and vigor of mind, for which I feel thankful.
Transcription by Aviva Westheim.
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May 15th 1847. Saturday, At the regular hour attended society, and presided, the regular exercises of [illegible]ginal speaking and compositions we had a very animated debate on the tariff question, spent the afternoon in reading and at candlelight attended prayermeeting
May 16th 1847. Sabbath. Spent part of the day in reading the bible attend two sermons by the President, have not spent the day as I should.
May 17th 1847. Monday, recited Anglyich is [illegible] hard, no lesson at 11 on account of the absence of proffesors, at 4 recited mineralogy, comenced reading the Mexican Patriot.
May 18th 1847. Tuesday, Received a letter from friend J. Brumfield informing me of his suspension from college and also E. T. Avery and W. R. Withers. This day has been cold and fire is a comfortable companion,
May 19th 1847. Wednesday, Rose at my usual hour 5. Recited my lessons, and after supper took a walk then wrote a letter to J. Brumfield and an other to my sister at home.
May 20th 1847 Thursday, Passed through the regular duties of the day without interruption. After supper took a walk of about a mile and got some fine strawberries which wer the first,
M 21st 1847 Friday Finished reading the Mexican Patriot, which is a romance but truly excellent. The sacraments meeting commenced, sermon by Rev. S. W. Phar
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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May 22nd 1847 Saturday, Wrote until the hour for preaching, sermon by Rev. C Johnson, and at 2 by Rev. W. S. Pharr, and at candlelight by Rev. C Johnson; his manner of speaking is somewhat novel, though very impressive and highly edifying.
May 23rd 1847 Sabbath. Attended prayers spent some time in reading, sermon at 11 & 3 by Rev C. Johnson and at candlelight by profess Wilson, retired at 10.
May 24th 1847. Monday, Rose at my usual hour and went through the regular routine of duties; and after supper took a walk and got some fine strawberries, then read in Dr Johnsons works.
May 25th 1847 Tuesday This day has passed by carrying with it many souls to their long home, I am yet spared and in the enjoyment of health my desire is to persue my studies with diligence
May 26th 1847. Wednesday, Prepared and recited my lessons as usual, and after supper took a long walk, then returned and conversed with Enloe for a short time, then read until my usual hour for bed Thursday
May 27th 1847, As it has been raining al[illegible] all it has been quite dull. Read Othello, Wrote a letter to my friend J. W. Avery, then prepared for bed
May 28th 1847 Friday, Rose early attended prayers and recitations Read some of Johnsons lives of the poets, after supper walked about a mile and gathered some fine strawberries
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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May 29th 1847 Saturday. Read a portion of the bible which is my custom morning and evening. Attended society, and after performances were over spent some time in conversation. Received a letter from home, spent part of the evening in studying music. took a walk with J. W. Shive & W. S. Moore, Attended prayermeeting prepared for bed.
May 30th 1847 Sabbath. Attended preaching at 11 by the president commenced reading Edwards on redemption, preaching at night by Rev Wilson
May 31st 1847, Monday, Rose before four prepared my recitations and recited, commencet reading Maria Edgeworth, the tale entitled the Absentee
June 1st 1847 Tuesday, Part of the Faculty being absent we recited no lessons. Read during the day and finished the Absentee. Just three years since I commenced my academical course preparatory for college. Read a portion of the bible
June 2nd 1847. Wednesday, Recited before breakfast, then, in company with several others, went to Center church and attended presbytery, which was appointed for the purpose of trying Rev. I. L. Davis for several charges brought against him. The day was spent in examining witnesses until late in the evening when there was a great deal of unnecessary excitement, which was not in accordance with presbyterianism Returned home at night,
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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June 3rd 1847 Thursday Borrowed a horse and hired a waggon and again attended presbytery in company with Black, Davis Williamson, and Montgomery, returned in afternoon
June 4th 1847. Friday After reading a portion in the bible, as usual just after rising, attended prayers. Wrote a composition and after dinner took a bath, attended the singing and prepared for bed
June 5th 1847 Saturday. Attended prayers and at 11 handed in compositions, went to the office and received a letter from my sister, which informed me of the death of my much esteemed and beloved friend J. O. McKnight, endeared and attached to me by being for two years room and class mates and since that time a regular correspondent. What woful changes does time make on the condition of mankind, when we look around we find that many of our youthful associates have gone to their long homes, and this in a great measure destroys the felicity that we anticipated enjoying in our remaining days on earth; But there is still hope that we will one day meet in a world where there is no parting. This nighght was too inclement for prayer meeting.
June 6th 1847 Sabbath Read in the bible and history of redemption by Edwards until 11. at which time Prf. Wilson preached. Attended bible recitation, and at candlelight a missionary sermon was preached by the president, then a collection was taken up.
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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June 7th 1847. Monday, Commenced another weeks work, after seval days rest, my mind dull and stupid in the afternoon took a long walk with King, two Shives & Douglass, returned and commenced reading Pollock cours of time.
June 8th 1847 Tuesday, Slept last night with friend Moore, attended prayers and recitations [illegible] at night read until my usual bedtime
June 9th 1847. Wednesday, Rose early and read a portion of the bible as usual, performed my regular college duties, At candlelight attended the exhibition of the celebrated painting painted by West, of Christ, his twelve Apostles and a number of children who were in the temple, also blind, a consumptive man his two servants and wife and child, one possessed with the devil, numbering in all sixty one which are truly represented as if they were alive. Prepared for bed at hafl past 10. The above painting was taken from Mat. 21. C. 14 & 15 v.
June 10th 1847 Thursday. Another day nearer my grave and what have I done, I fear I have not spent it as I should, attended to my studies and wrote a letter to my sister Rachel, I desire to learn more of my duty to God,
June 11th 1847 Friday Recited three lessons and read two books of Polloks course of time and a portion of the bible morning and evening as usual, at night attended the singing at Mn Sparrours. Prepared for bed.
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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June 12th 1847 Saturday, After attending prayers read Pollok, which is, in my estimation, second to none in his poetry. At eight oclock society met our exercises were very good, the question for debate was, has slavery been injurious to the United States, it was well argued on both sides. In the after noon studied musick, and at candlelight attended prayer meeting, Prepared my lesson.
June 13th 1847 Sabbath. Spent the forenoon in reading until 11 Then attended sermon by Rev S. Phar a young minister also at two, and at dark by his father.
June 14th 1847 Monday. Prepared and recited my lessons, commenced reading Burrows works, read several pieces of poetry. Prepared for bed by reading a portion of the [illegible]
June 15th 1847 Tuesday Rose at my usual hour, recited my lessons read nothing but newspapers, the news from the army appears to be more hostile then formely.
June 16th 1847. Wednesday Done very little this day except prepare and recite my recitations. After supper took a walk alone as usual, prepare for bed
June 17th 1847. Thursday Again done nothing but get my lessons and recite them. Took several walks alone. June 18th 1847 Friday, Rose early recited Analyical Geometry before breakfast, latin at 11 and mineralogy at 4, after dark professor Wilson came in to see my roomate Watson.
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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June 19th 1847 Saturday Studied my greek lesson, recited at 11 in the afternoon studied more days lesson, took a walk and obtained some dewberies
June 20th 1847 Sabbath, Spent the morning in reading and at 11 attended preaching by the President, and at night by professor Wilson. Then prepared for bed
June 21st 1847. Monday. Rose at one oclock, prepared my morning recitation and also read my latin before daylight, at two took a short sleep, took a walk alone, commenced reviewing Medea.
June 22nd 1847 Tuesday, This morning was extremely cold for this season, fire was comfortable, Prepared and recited my lessons, took a walk with Black prepared for bed at an early hour.
June 23rd 1847 Wednesday, Rose at 2 oclock prepared my recitations and took a walk before prayer, the pleasures of a walk at this early hour is known only to those who have had the pleasure of enjoying it. Recited my lessons, still blessed with good health.
June 24th 1847. Thursday, In the distinguishing mercy of a heavenly Parent I am permitted to enjoy health of body and vigor mind to pursue my studies, for this I should feel thankful.
June 25th 1847 Friday Rose early attended prayers and recitation regular. This week I have not read scarcly any thing, commenced writing my valedictory for society.
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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June 26th 1847 Saturday After attending prayers, Read the life of Claudius, at 8 oclock society met and was one of the most interesting days that I have spent in society, as it was the last day that the present senior class are to be with us, some, whose performances were original speeches made us valedictorys. Received a letter from my sister in Newbery; stating that she and family were well. In the afternoon took a bath. Attended prayer meeting.
June 27th 1847 Sabbath, Finished reading Edwards history of redemption attended sermon at 11 by Professor Wilson and at candlelight by the President, prepared for bed
June 28th 1847. Monday. Rose at 4 attended prayers, prepared my recitations, and read 180 pages in the history of Mary queen of Scots written by Bell.
June 29th 1847 Tuesday, Attended to my regular college duties, read none, but wrote on my valedictory for society when my term of office will expire took a walk with J. S. Barr. Read in the bible.
June 30th 1847 Wednesday, This morning some one of our class wrote professor Johnson a note and left it on his table, petitioning him to abbreviate our lessons Took a walk with T. Grier and got some plums Finished reading the bible and testament through.
July 1st 1847. Thursday, Rose at 4, commenced reading the testament Recited my lessons, read some, and wrote a little, and spent some time in conversation
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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July 2nd 1847, Friday After attending prayers, and recitation before breakfast, prepared for going to a picnic party at W. L. Davidsons Esq given by the young ladies to the senior and junior classes, we walked out, and after drinking some fine cider we were invited to dinner at which we did our duty. As there was every thing good, that is, cakes, syllabub, raisons, almonds, and a great many other things returned at even, almost to worn out from fatigue
July 3rd 1847 Saturday, This day our class had nothing to do, I read during the most of the day finished reading the first vol. Of Mary queen of Scots, and commenced the second. Attended prayer meeting
July 4th 1847 Sabbath. Read in confession of faith until 11, at which time the president, by request, preached a patriotich sermon from 147th psalm 20th verse, which was very eloquent and appropriate for the occasion, a number of people attended. Sermon at night by professor Wilson.
July 5th 1847 Monday After breakfast a meeting of the students were called together and it was resolved that we ask the president for a copy of his patriotic sermon for publication. Recited my lessons, wrote & read some, went to bed. July 6th 1847 Tuesday Rose early read a portion of the bible as usual Recited greek at 11 and Analytical geometry at 4. Took a long walk alone spoke my speech for society. Prepared my lesson for morning.
Transcription by Shari Neal.
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July 7th 1847 Wednesday Recited before breakfast, after which the final examination of the senior class commenced and continued all day. Drew off my representative spech, the read the balance once of the day, in history.
July 8th 1847 Thursday Read two lines of greek for examination. Finished reading the life of Mary queen of Scots by Bell. The final examination of the senior class closed, the president gave them a supper. Wrote a letter after supper to my sister in Northedge [?]
July 9th 1847 Friday This morning the first honor was given to Mclaurin and Enloe, the second to J.S Barr, Belk, Pharr, Walke, and white, the third to King and Steward. commenced studying again.
July 10th 1847 Saturday Read until eight at which time attended Society after the regular exercises were over and eletion of officers and afterwork an election for Speakers at contest. Spent the afternoon without accomplishing much. Prepared my lesson and attended prayer meeting.
July 11th 1847 Sabbath Woke at an early hour with a painful headache which continued during the day so bad that I could not read. Sermon at 11 by professor Wilson.
July 12th 1847 Monday Recited before breakfast took a short walk visited the room of a sick studet, T.J McFadday. Recited Latin at 11 and Minerology at 4. Commenced reading Ivanhoe a romance by Scott.
Transcription by Claire Milldrum, Susan Potts McDonald, and Irene Carter.
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July 13th 1847 Tuesday Prepared and recited my recitations as usual. Received a letter from J. Brumfield. Spent part of the day in reading. –
July 14 1847 Wednesday. Rose very early prepared my lesson with Douglass and R.R. Barr, heard Douglass representative speech and on returning to our rooms were caught in a very hard rain.
July 15th 1847 Thursday Attended to my regular duties, had my room cleaned out, had a call meeting of society and proposed a question for contest to the other society. Wrote a letter to my friend J. Brumfield.
July 16th 1847 Friday Commenced reviewing philosophy. After supper took a long walk with Douglass, Miller and Parks and each of us spoke our speeches in order. Attended singing at Mr. Alexanders.
July 17th 1847 Saturday Recited greek at 11. Received a letter from mother which was very acceptable. After supper took a walk and found some ripe peaches. Attended prayer meeting. Prepared my lesson.
July 18th 1847 Sabbath Read a few chapters in the bible then in confession of faith until time for preaching. Attended bible recitation and church at candle light.
July 19th 1847 Monday Rose early and prepared my lesson. After upper took a long walk alone. Wrote a letter to mother.
Transcription by Susan Potts McDonald and Irene Carter.
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July 20th 1847 Tuesday Read a portion of the bible as usual, and after attending prayers prepared my greek lesson, in the afternoon took a short nap, read some in a novel, Ivanhoe.
July 21st 1847 Wednesday Rose at an early hour, took my usual walk. After dark J. Douglas came in and conversed until nine, then I read some and prepared for bed.
July 22nd 1847 Thursday After attending prayers, prepared my lesson, then took a walk alone. In the afternoon took a bath. After supper took a walk with J.E. Millar.
July 23rd 1847 Friday Time is fast rolling by, every day is but the number less, which warns me that I am drawing nearer and nearer to my grave. Recited my lessons, and read some.
July 24th 1847 Saturday Read until eight oclock which was the hour for society, the official term having expired the vice President made his report and read an address, after which I delivered my valedictory, and the new officers were then initiated. The performances of society were short, took a bath at the spring.
July 25th 1847 Sabbath Read until breakfast in the bible, after breakfast took a walk, then read in the Southern Christian Review until 11, Attended bible recitation, and preaching in the morning and at candlelight by the President, Professor Wilson being absent. Prepared for bed by reading a portion of the bible.
Transcription by Irene Carter.
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July 26th 1847. Monday. This is my birth day. I have now completed my twenty third year. And how thankful should I be that my life has been spared to such an age when numbers of my friends and acquaintnaces have been called into eternity, who set out in the world with as fair prospects of life as myself.
July 27th 1847. Tuesday. Rose early and prepared for prayers, after which prepared my lesson in greek. And in the morning in Analytical geometry. took a walk at [illegible] and spoke my speech.
July 28th 1847. Wednesday. This day recited three lessons. In the forenoon took a long walk alone, and after supper again with W. W. Zuckery. Then read until bedtime in the French Revolution.
July 29th 1847. Thursday After attending prayers built a fire, for the morning was disagreebly cold. Recited my lessons as usual; After supper took a walk alone.
July 30th 1847. Friday. Attended to all duties incumbent on me by the college, Read but little. Took a long walk alone, Prepared for bed. July 31st 1847. Saturday. Rose at an early hour read a portion of the bible as usual, then attended prayers, aftrwards prepared my greek lesson, Read for two hours. Received a letter from my sister, A. {illegible}. Attended prayer meeting.
Transcription by Irene Carter.
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August 1st 1847. Sabbath Owing to the inclemency of the weather the prayer bell did not ring until a late hour, no preaching at in bible recitations and preaching at candlelight as usual.
August 2nd 1847. Monday This has been very disagreeably wet, which has been the case all [illegible] Recited my lessons, and commenced reviewing Mineralogy for examination
August 3rd 1847. Tuesday Like yesterday it has rained almost incessantly all day, but now it is perfectly clear. Recited all my lessons took a walk with Black, Barr & Parks, and we spoke round except Black.
August 4th 1847. Wednesday Rose very early attended to my recitations as usual, took a long walk. As one of a committee settled on a place for the band to board, by drawing straws, drinking gained it, done some sewing.
August 5th, 1847. Thursday After attending prayers, read greek until breakfast, then recited in Mineralogy, greek at 11, and [illegible] ticks at 4. Took a long walk alone as usual.
August 6th 1847. Friday After morning recitation. The examination of the preparatory classes commenced and continued all day with Parks and Douglas read better than half of [illegible] prepared for bed at ten o’clock.
Transcription by Irene Carter.
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August 7th 1847 Saturday Immediately after prayers took a walk with J. Douglas and we spoke our representative speeches. At the usual hour society and the regular performances were suspended in order to hear the representative speeches, we met in the chapel and the faculty were present; Read during the evening. After supper took a walk in company with several others and heard the Latin Salutory by Enloe, and the greek oration by J.K. Pharr. Attended our last prayer meeting for this session. Prepared for bed.
August 8th 1847. Sabbath. Read in the testament until breakfast but owing to a severe headache did not read any more until seven. This being the last sabbath in the session the President preached a valedictory sermon to the senior class from the following text. “What is a man profited if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul.” Preaching again at migh by Professor Wilson.
August 9th 1847. Monday After reading a portion of scripture as usual, attended prayers. Reviewed latin until breakfast. Prepared my room for commencement. After dinner took a walk in company with Long and we spoke our speeches. The Fresh and Soft classes were examined in part to day. Aftr supper studied Anglytical Geometry.
Transcription by Irene Carter
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August 9th 1847 Tuesday Rose at an early hour and attended prayer, At ten was called our class to be examined on greek, and after dinner on philosophy and after that on Analytical geometry. The band arrived and after supper we had some music. Several old acquaintances came in and talke until late.
October 16th 1847 Saturday After spending a pleasant vacation at home, with my friends and relations of six or seven [illegible], I returned to college and arrived on Friday evening preceeding the day for commencement, on Sabbath went in company with my friend R.H. Johnson, The preaching at [illegible]spect church in Rowan County. We did not commence study until Wednesday. I have now commenced my senior year and when it terminates I will no more be considered a student at college. We have commenced the study of Chemistry, Moral Philosophy, [illegible] of christianity and some others. Our prayermeeting has again been resumed. Our Society met this morning and we received and initiated four new members. I have read part of the life of P. Henry and have commenced reading Ovid. This is something of what I have been doing my first two weeks in the session.
Transcription by Irene Carter
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October 23rd 1847 Saturday. Have read during the week the book of Exodus; commenced reading Butlers Analogy and read the first volume of Ovid. Received a letter from my sister Rachel, and one from my friend J. W. Avery. Attended to all my recitations and college duties. The weather during the last week has been very dry and warm for the season of the year. On Monday took in another roommate L.L. Parker. At the close of the week attended our prayer meeting as usual. Prepared my recitation for Monday.
October 30th 1847 Saturday. Read during the week several things among which was part of Milton’s prose works. Had good health. The weather continued dry. Received letters from W.R. Withers, E.J. Avery and J Brumfield. The letter from my friend E.J. Avery is probably the last that I ever will have the pleasure of receiving from him, as he informed me he was about to start to the far west and remain in the wilderness for three or four years, This is undoubtedly an unhappy circumstance; as he was a promising young man and would in about twelve months have graduated at Columbia College. Wrote letters to my sister, J.W. Avery, A Enloe and W.R Withers. Attended society and the president was absent, was called on to take the chair. Attended prayer meeting.
Transcription by Irene Carter
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November 6th 1847. Saturday We recited our lessons as usual until until friday as usual, with the exception of those to the President, who left here on last sabbath for [illegible] at [illegible]. Read miscellaneous reading, among which was the lives of several female Sovereigns, all of whom died miserable deaths, it is true that some of them lived to advanced ages but finally were brought to thier graves in sorrow, and some were beheaded. Among the latter was the well know Mary Queen of Scots, whose life I was very much pleased with generally until the death of her second husband. And I think that, without much doubt she was accessory to the death of Darnly. From reading the lives of these sovereigns, I am constrained to believe that the humble maid with a milk pail on her head is much happier than the most exalted Queen with a crown on her head. Made my first speech on the rostrum for this session. My health has been much more feeble than at any time since I entered college. The weather has continued exceedingly dry and warm for the season of the year. On sabbath read Butters in part. Continued to ready my bible twice a day. Attended our weekly prayer meeting. Then chronicled my journal for the week.
Transcription by Irene Carter
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November 13th 1847 Saturday. Spent the sabbath in reading the bible and other religious writings, also attendend bible recitation and and two sermons preached by Professor Wilson; and as it was the first sabbath in the month he he preached a missionary sermon at candlelight, he showed that there was a great call amoung the heathens for missionarys of the cross. And that great good had already been accomplished in different parts of the world, and especially in northern India; that there had been a synod established there; And that two or three natives had been licensed to preach the everlasting gospel to their fellow creatures and some fifteen or twenty who are preparing for the ministry. My health all week has been very feeble. but able, by the blessing of a kind providence to attend to all my college duties. I was very much favoured in having but one lesson to recite a day, as the Presient was abroad at synod and did not return until thursday evening. Read a tale of fiction entitled the “Dutchmans Fireside”, which is about the best of the kind that I ever read. Commenced reading Stephens travels in Egypt, Arabia etc. Prepared my performance for society which was original speech and performed on saturday. Staid two nights with a sick friend, W.J. McFadden, who has had a severe attack of fever. Attended prayer meeting. Received a letter from my friend A. Enloe.
Transcription by Irene Carter
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November 20th 1847. Saturday Persued my regular college studies during the week. Finished reading Stephens travels in Arabia, Egypt & the Holy Land, which I found not only to be very interesting but also very instructive. Which could not be otherwise when we consider that the land he visited is so replete with interesting scenes. It was the birthplace of the human family, the point of dispersion after the flood, and all the glory and glom associated with the words Chivalry and Crusaders transpired within that region. He visited the Palace in which Herod and his dissolute band once reveled; it was in ruins and the ignorant and careless arab was ploughing around its mouldering columns. How little does this speak for the axiety which mankind manifests for the praise and pleasure of the world. Commenced reading travels in Greece, Russia & Poland by the same author. Commenced taking walks after eating supper with my friend R.H. Johnson, for the distance of about half a mile into a very retired forest, for the purpose of engaging in secret prayer. Received a letter from J Brumfield in Columbia College, S.C., and one from my sister Rachel which informed me of the death of my friend Thompson and the sickness of my grandfather & grandmother. Attended preaching on sabbath and on saturday night prayer meeting. Finished my weeks work.
Transcription by Irene Carter
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November 27th 1847 Saturday Finished reading Stephens Travels in Greece, Russia & Poland, which I found, as Stephens travels all are, to be very interesting. The present condition of Poland, as he presents it to be is truly lamentable. It was once one of the most influential and brave nations on the globe. Russia which sustains the largest standing army of any other nation, tried time after time to conquer it but in vain. Prussia and Austria did the same but neither of them alone could do it. They therefore formed an alliance and the three together reduced the heroic Poles to submission and some to slavery. During the week performed the regular exercise of the college with the exception of recitations in languages which was owing to the absence of the professor at presbytery. The three presbyterys of Bethel, Concord and Fagetvile met at Steel Creek Church and elected Mr Gretter of Virginia a professor of this college. Sacrament meeting commenced at this place on Friday night and continued until sabbath night. Finished reading Butlers Analogy and commenced the Memoirs of J.B. Taylor. Received a letter from my classmate James Douglas . Society met at the usual hour, performances were postponed owing to the meeting being in session. We entered into an election of officers which resulted as follows. G.D. Parks, President. Still, vice dr. Dinleins Secretary. Moore Reviewer & Davis Librarian. Finished another weeks work.
Transcription by Irene Carter
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December 4th 1847 Saturday. The wheel of time glides swiftly by and were it not distinctly marked by the change of season quantities of duration would pass by almost unobserved. On Sabbath I attended, at this place, the sacrament of the Lords supper. Read my bible regular twice a day as usual. Attended to all my college duties. Read some miscellaneous reading at the commencement of the week. Then read the first volume of Prescots Conquest of Mexico which contained 488 pages. Wrote a composition, and on Saturday read to the President. Wrote a letter to J. Douglass; attended prayer meeting; finished my weeks work.
December 11th 1847 Saturday. Commenced reading the first volume of [illegible] works, and also the 2nd vol of Conquest of Mexico. Attended to my recitations as usual. Commenced the study of Mineralogy, Received a letter from my friend J. W. Avery. Wrote a letter to my sister in Newberry. On Saturday attended society, officers having been elected the day previous were iniatiated, after the regular performances were entered into, and a debate on the query, Are the works of fiction productive of more evil than good. Spent the afternoon without accomplishing much, At the usual hour attended our regular weekly prayer meetings. Prepared my recitations for Monday.
Transcriptions by Shawn M. Adams, Marti Smith, Perry Chappell
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December 18th 1847 Saturday Finished reading the second and third volumes of Prescots Conquest of Mexico. He is undoubtedly a very partial writer. It appears like the poor Aztecs can not receive justice. And they will only receive a renumeration of the injuries done them by the cruel and ungrateful Spaniard when the final day of reckoning shall arrive. As regards the origin of this peculiar race of people there are different opinions. They were in some measure civilized, had their formalities of worship, and a deity in whom they put all their trust and confidence. If mortals could approach anything like to a perfect state of felicity in this world they were certainly as near as any other nation when the bloodthirsty Cortes first invaded their Elysian lands. But alas! What mighty havoc and destruction can the foolish ambition of a single man accomplish. This much injured nation were having, as it were, under their own vine, and fig tree, little thinking that the boundless avarice of a few individuals were in a short time to subvert all their happy expectations. That Montezuma was shamefully treated by the Spaniards every one of common humanity will readily admit. After having, as it would seem, satiated their desires with gold he was taken prisoner and bound with chains. It is to be hoped that some impartial historian will take pleasure in doing them justice. I attended prayer meeting. Received a letter from [illegible] Beston. Read on Sabbath in the bible S. Bryan
Transcriptions by Marti Smith, Perry Chappell
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March 18th 1848. Wednesday After having long neglected my journal, I now resume it. My neglect was entirely owing to my having so much to do that I could not possibly attend to it. During Christmass holidays I visited my mother and spent my time very pleasantly. I also visited my sister, Anastatia, who has since lost her husband. After returning to college I was elected contestor, and just six weeks after I was elected I had to deliver my speech before society. It kept me so busily employed that I had not time to attend as well as I could wish to my college duties, I finished my speech and delivered it at contest. I have spent my vacation in my room almost alone, for the most part reading. Having been previously elected to deliver the valadictory before the Eumenean Society at their next annual commencement I have been spending part of my time in writing it; but have made but very slow progress. The students have nearly all left the place, and it is very lonesome. Went a visiting in company with Mr. Moore to J. [illegible] and spent the time very agreeably. I am now about to set in for my last session in college. I am extremely anxious to get through but I can but feel that I am about to be ushered out into a frowning and unfeeling world. I commit myself into the hand of Him who alone is able to protect me through this vale of tears.
Transcriptions by Marti Smith, Perry Chappell
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I graduated at College on the 10th of August 1848. Delivered the valedictory to the Eumenean Society & then the Latin Salutatory. Entered the Theological Seminary at Columbia S.C. in [illegible] having [illegible] in my class. Spent my first vacation in Bethesday Congregation teaching School. Returned to the Seminary in the fall of 1849. Persued my Theological Studies through the session, spent my next vacation in Union Willage SC. teaching school in connection with Rev J. A. [illegible]. Returned to the Seminary at the commencement of the session. Pursued my Studies until the 5th day of April 1851 when I was licensed to preach the gospel, then returned to the Seminary & remained until the close of the session, when I delivered my graduation speech, on the subject of Ministerial pride. Having received invitations from the church of Fairforest & Spartanburg I came immediately on to my charge, & commenced preaching on the 3rd Sabbath in July 1851 at Fairforest Church & the following Sabbath at Spartanburg.
Transcription by Perry Chappell
From: DC0046 (View Finding Aid)
Cite as:
James, Albert Allison, 1824-1910 (1848). Diary, 1847-1852. DC0046s. Papers, 1847-1875. Davidson College Archives, Davidson College, NC. Available: /archives/digital-collections/albert-a-james-1847-diary/.
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