Original Baker Cemetery
Relocated Baker Cemetery, at Centre Church
In 1961, as Lake Norman was created, Baker Cemetery was moved from its original location (just north of Mecklenburg Co.) to its current location in the graveyard of the Centre Presbyterian Church in Mooresville, NC (3.5 miles northeast from the original location). In some cases, both remains and headstones were relocated in the move. For nine of the graves, however, Duke Power located descendants of the persons buried, and obtained permission to move only the headstones. The particular families who gave permission for headstones only to be moved were not listed in the documents available. The complete list of known family grave sites (headstones and headstones/remains) relocated in the move, thirty-one graves in all, are: Brevard, Carter, Conner, Fortner, Givens, Hannah, Lawson, McConnell, McDowell, Thompson, White, and Wilson. In addition, documents created by Duke Power at the time indicate that there were many others buried in the graveyard, including soldiers, who had no grave stones. Gravestones ranged in date from the early 1700s to mid-1800s.
Location (approximate): 35.5174, -80.9037
Duke Power Co. 19–? (nd). Relocation of Various Cemetery from Area Inundated by the Waters of Lake Norman. Published by Duke Power Co.
Known Cemeteries and Burial Records of Mecklenburg County, NC. 2008. “Baker Graveyard.” Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County.
Available: http://www.cmstory.org/cemetery/details.asp?id=21